Things are going well. Flannery is going to be five months old tomorrow. It does not seem real that she should already be that age. She is so active!! She jabbers all the time, and is rolling over, and trying to put her feet in her mouth constantly. She is so much fun!! Only two teeth have appeared in her mouth, but it seems that she is working on more. Since Jeremy was in Taiwan on Halloween, and I had to make tons of chili for the college group event, Flannery only wore an Owl Hat. I didn't have the camera because Jeremy had it with him. I will have to take a picture of her now, and show you. We had a good week while he was gone. We missed him alot, but it went by rather fast. Pop and Bebe came up for two nights to see Flannery. We had a good time. The love spending time with her!!
Here is a cute photo that I took on the way out the door one morning! She is such a happy baby!!
1 comment:
So cute!
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