She is six months old! I really can't believe it. I feel like the last six months have flown by! I have loved every minute. She is such a delight. She is sitting up now, but will still fall over if she gets excited or upset. She jabbers on and on all the time. She loves drinking water from a big girl cup, and loves to eat the Gerber Graduate puffs!! She is still getting a handle on baby food, and prefers nursing above anything else. I can't wait to take pictures in all of her Christmas outfits!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My Sweet Pea
She is six months old! I really can't believe it. I feel like the last six months have flown by! I have loved every minute. She is such a delight. She is sitting up now, but will still fall over if she gets excited or upset. She jabbers on and on all the time. She loves drinking water from a big girl cup, and loves to eat the Gerber Graduate puffs!! She is still getting a handle on baby food, and prefers nursing above anything else. I can't wait to take pictures in all of her Christmas outfits!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday Fun!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dinner with Becky!
Last week Becky came over for dinner and we had a great time. I got a cute picture of her and Flannery!! Also Flannery now LOVES to reach for our glasses of water. If she isn't reaching for it with her hands she opens her mouth and expects you to move it to her! It's so cute!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Things are going well. Flannery is going to be five months old tomorrow. It does not seem real that she should already be that age. She is so active!! She jabbers all the time, and is rolling over, and trying to put her feet in her mouth constantly. She is so much fun!! Only two teeth have appeared in her mouth, but it seems that she is working on more. Since Jeremy was in Taiwan on Halloween, and I had to make tons of chili for the college group event, Flannery only wore an Owl Hat. I didn't have the camera because Jeremy had it with him. I will have to take a picture of her now, and show you. We had a good week while he was gone. We missed him alot, but it went by rather fast. Pop and Bebe came up for two nights to see Flannery. We had a good time. The love spending time with her!!
Here is a cute photo that I took on the way out the door one morning! She is such a happy baby!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Teeth News!
Flannery got her second tooth the day after she got her first!!! So she has two sweet little teeth on the bottom!!!
Dedication Photos
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Someone needs a TOOTHbrush!
My sweet pea has a tooth!! That's right! She is four months old today, and she has her first tooth popping through. There is a second on its way. We went to the doctor yesterday for her four month well baby check-up. She is doing wonderful. She has grown SOOO much. She had a major growth spurt, and is in the 97th percentile. She weighs 17lbs and 10oz and is 26inches long!
Flannery is doing so many new things. She is laughing out loud, holding her hands together, and loves to look at herself in the mirror. She "talks" and makes noises that are so cute. Her mouth makes the cutest shapes when she talks too.
We had her baby dedication on Sunday, and it was such a sweet day. I will post pictures soon!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Baby Dedication
We will be dedicating our sweet baby(and ourselves as parents)to God next month. The date is set for October 5th. It will be a special day. My mom will be visiting, and Jeremy's parents will be coming as well. I hope that Adam and the girls, and Atlee can come as well.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Spit Up and Grandmother Mimzy
So you know the saying "like father, like son" well how about "like father, like daughter"!!!!!! Flannery decided to spit up and Jeremy received the brunt of her explosion on his chin, and she had the remaining dribbles on hers. I had to capture the moment because it was so hilarious to see their matching chins.
These are a couple of shots of my beautiful mother holding Flannery. She came to TN when I was there with the College girls so that she could get some Grandmother time with her little granddaughter. We had a wonderful time together!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
On Saturday Jeremy and I decided to take Flannery to the pool in our neighborhood. It was the first time this summer, and Flannery's first official "SWIM". She dipped her toes in the pool when we were in Tennessee, but she was all the way in on Saturday. She loves the water, and this time next year she will be a little fish! So, these pictures are when we were about to leave. She looked so cute that I couldn't resist some pictures. The first is a happy smile, and the second is a "MISS SERIOUS". haha.
She is doing so well, and growing so much. She squeals with delight when she is excited about something, and she will just talk and almost carry on a conversation with me sometimes!! I love it!! She was three months on Sunday, and she stayed with Daddy while I had to take a class for my Esthetician license. Jeremy did a wonderful job! He is such a wonderful Daddy. She loves him so much!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Her first time in the pool. :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Doctor Update, and other stuff!
Flannery had her two month check-up a week ago and she is doing wonderfully. She weighs 14 lbs and is 23 inches long. She also had to get some more vaccinations and she cried so much. I nursed her afterward and she went to sleep right away. It's hard seeing her have to get shots. Her face gets the most pitiful little look. I'm glad she doesn't have to do that for another two months. She is doing so many fun things. She will look at her fist, and stare at it for several minutes. She also will squeal sometimes when she gets excited. She is so fun to talk to, and play with. I sometimes don't get much done during the day because I'm so mesmerized by her!
Other news-I have a job at Central Church of God weekday school. I am going to be working in a toddler room, and I'm so happy! I can take Flannery and she will be in the room next to me. I will be working Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00am-1:30pm. I'm so thankful for this job!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
So Becky Bernier came over on Saturday and took some amazing photos of our sweet girl! I had such a good time. She is so amazing!!! I look forward to more photo shoots with her!! She really captured Flannery's personality and all her sweet, and quirky little faces that she makes!! I love them!! All 147 shots!!!! I'm out of my mind looking at them all!! hehe!!!!!
Love you Becky!!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Long overdue!
I have been meaning to update for over a week! We made it to Ky and back already, and it was such a great trip. We got to see several family members, and spend alot of time with Grandmother Mimzy. We also got to see Flannery's great grandmother Lois. Adam and Atlee and the girls were so glad to finally meet our little sweet pea. I have pictures that I will post shortly. She did an amazing job riding in the car. I rode in the back with her most of the time so that I could feed her, and talk to her. She slept quite a bit as well. We had a great trip, but it was very sad leaving. My heart longs for the day when we are not 8 hours from my mom. I want Flannery to grow up much closer to her than this. God's timing is best though, and I know that He has a plan.
This past weekend Bebe and Pop came up to see us. Pop hadn't seen Flannery since she was born, so she looked quite a bit different to him!! much BIGGER! :) We had a great time!
I can't believe that she will 8 weeks old tomorrow!! She is growing so fast. She is cooing, and gurgling, and making squeals all the time. She loves to look at all sorts of things, and LOVES for you to talk to her and sing songs. She is such a joy to our hearts.
Monday, July 14, 2008
5 Weeks Old
Monday, July 7, 2008
Doctor News
So Flannery and I both had our postpartum visits today and we are both doing great! Flannery weighed in at 11 lbs and 6 3/4 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. The doctor said that she is perfect!! She did have to get a vaccine today and I cried as well as Flannery. It was hard seeing her experience pain. She was such a good girl today. She will have another appointment in a month.
While the doctor was trying to listen to her heart she wouldn't stop cooing-it was hilarious. The doctor kept telling her she had to stop talking!!! She is already like her parents! ha
I also had an appointment, and things are great with me as well. I am glad to finally be feeling like my old self again.
While the doctor was trying to listen to her heart she wouldn't stop cooing-it was hilarious. The doctor kept telling her she had to stop talking!!! She is already like her parents! ha
I also had an appointment, and things are great with me as well. I am glad to finally be feeling like my old self again.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tomorrow Flannery goes to her first well baby check up. I am excited to see how much she weighs, and what her length is now. I know that she is growing fast! She has really started to focus on our faces now, and her smiles are so cute!
In two weeks we are going to Kentucky to visit Grandmother Mimzy and the rest of my family.
I will be posting more pictures very soon!
In two weeks we are going to Kentucky to visit Grandmother Mimzy and the rest of my family.
I will be posting more pictures very soon!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New Blog
This is to keep everyone updated on Flannery, and what is going on with our family. There will be stories, pictures, and lots of fun things in store!
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